I’m Jelena
Instructional Designer, Expert in Corporate e-Learning & Development
How can i help you?
I want to make (& sell) an online course.
I need training for my employees / clientes
I am looking for an instructional designer e-learning developer to collaborate with
I am just curious about what you do
I want to make (& sell) an online course.
I need training for my employees / clientes
I am looking for an instructional designer e-learning developer to collaborate with
I am just curious about what you do

I have designed and developed e-learning content for individual businesses and big companies (including Fortune 500) on various topics ranging from private equity investing, business knowledge, software training to healthy lifestyle and personal growth.
I keep up to date with the newest trends in the e-learning world and have adult technology-enhanced education in my PhD and Master studies (University of Cambridge).
If you seek to improve your company performance, build an educational business or make passive income with an online course, feel free to ask for my advice and make sure you check out my portfolio.
I am among the top 100 Intructional design freelancer on Upwork

You can see my Upwork's profile here
Whats will you find in my blog?
“My goal is not to lecture anyone. Rather, I see this eLearning blog as a space of interaction where a community of learners and educationists sharing their inputs can be created. As you might notice from my articles, I believe connection and communication through online social networks are some of the greatest opportunities for learning given to us by the modern age technology. “
LAtest Articles
Profile of a modern learner in 2018 – what does it mean for corporate learning?
Elucidat has published findings of a meta study on modern learners' (busy and savvy professionals') needs. The message is clear: the modern learner craves personalized and relevant learning, but few workplaces provide it. How to bridge this gap? The meta study does...
Online Teaching: How to Choose and Use the Right Videoconferencing Platform
When you decide to start online teaching, choosing a videoconferencing platform (e.g. Skype) might seem daunting at first, especially if you are not at all tech-savvy. Your might think: ''I am already good at face-to-face teaching. Will I be able to apply my skills to...
Before Your First Class: Learner Analysis (How to Teach Online)
As I previously wrote in an article, the reasons to start online teaching are plentiful. (If you're still deciding whether it is for you, these questions to ask yourself before starting may be of help.) However, in order to get the most...
Let's Start a Conversation
Let's talk about your needs